News & Resources

The economic and ecological benefits of carbon farming

In conjunction with the not-for-profit educational organisation, FarmED, The Carbon Farm’s Glyn Mitchell will be presenting a two course on the economic and ecological benefits of carbon farming.

The course will educate farmers on how to reduce their reliance on artificial inputs, how to increase their margins and how to sequester carbon into their soil.

Attendees will learn how different farming practices influence the carbon cycle, both beneficially and detrimentally, and what they can do to turn their farm into a carbon sink. Glyn will be taking a look at beneficial practices that help sequester carbon and explore the different value of carbon credits, how to measure and monitor soil carbon, and ultimately what it takes to transition a conventional farm to a Carbon Farm.

The following link provides more detail –

We look forward to welcoming you at FarmED’s premises at Honeydale Farm on 9th & 10th November.