
Land management practices around the world are changing. Countless years of using artificial aids, such as fertilisers and chemical sprays, may have left the impression that above ground all is well. Vibrant green fields and lawns, borders and vegetable patches proliferated with vivid flowers and supposedly nutrient dense produce bely the true story. As with most ‘drugs’, synthetic applications may provide a short term ‘pick me up’ but reliance on them over time will lessen their

impact and will lead to a detrimental outcome. It is not until we look below the surface that the true picture emerges.

There is a fundamental lack of understanding about how important the soil under our feet is – and not just as a resource for farmers. Healthy soil will absorb all but the heaviest downpours of rain, which helps prevent run off and will store water to keep plants growing throughout periods of dry weather. Regenerating the soil and restoring its microbiome suddenly allows it to become self-supporting and less and less dependent on artificial inputs. Spraying your land with chemical fertilisers and pesticides is not just expensive, it releases carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. Everyone loses!

The Carbon Farm provides the opportunity to work with, rather than against nature.

How can we help?

Soil analysis

The Carbon Farm can provide landowners with clear and easy to understand soil health reports covering chemical, physical and biological measurements, identifying beneficial and non-beneficial microorganisms, soil stability, nitrogen levels and soil carbon baseline measurements. The Carbon Farm then provides an overall rating of your soil based on the data.

Regenerative soil programmes

Once the baseline for the soil health is established, The Carbon Farm supports landowners adopt internationally recognised soil health practices, devising soil programmes to ensure the soil health is optimised, encouraging nutrient cycling and other functions of a productive soil.


We assist landowners with their waste management processing, providing onsite composting services, turning waste into biologically complete compost tailored to the requirements of your land.

Carbon sequestration

The Carbon Farm captures soil carbon data, that will allow the landowner to record the amount of carbon sequestered/captured in their soil. Our ambition is for landowners to benefit from the carbon they capture and utilise it to help negate their carbon footprint.

In addition, improved soil health results in the following benefits to landowners

Reduced outlay for synthetic inputs.

  • Improved soil hydration and water quality.
  • Improved nutrient cycling and therefore nutrient density of produce.
  • Improved biodiversity both below and above the soil.
  • Reduced soil erosion.
  • Improved resilience to disease.
  • Healthier animals and people!

If you would like to learn more about the above regenerative practices, then The Carbon Farm would be delighted to hear from you.

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